
The Hydrogen Landing Programme taking place on 28-29 November in Rotterdam is an extension of the Tech Tour Energy Transition event.

Objectives of the Hydrogen Landing Programme in a nutshell:


•           Support the best European Hydrogen tech scale-ups to raise investment, super scale and become world leaders

•           Boost the deployment of best-in class Hydrogen innovation solutions for addressing the Hydrogen energy transition challenges for ports, cities and regions across Europe.

•           Facilitate partnerships with governmental agencies and corporations enabling the deployment of hydrogen solutions regionally and internationally

•           To create a one-stop shop highly professional and multi-skilled Hydrogen community platform to unlock the full potential of green Hydrogen solutions in selected ports, regions and projects.


To achieve these objectives the Hydrogen Landing Program in Rotterdam will bring the European and global game changing Hydrogen actors, experts, financiers, thought leaders and government officials, strong believers in the upcoming hydrogen economy, together with leaders of the industry and port authorities to design and shape a tangible green pan-European hydrogen deployment roadmap with calls for action aiming at accelerating the Energy Transition and transformation of the industry and society.


Landing Programme Format:

The Hydrogen Landing program agenda is built around interactive, high level and focused C-level workshop sessions where deep dive reviews and discussions will map out directions and ways of:


•            How a super scaling club of technology companies can rapidly contribute to 100 GW + large scale production of hydrogen, enabling a full  deployment of renewable energies across Europe.

•            How a Network of ports can act as Hubs for industrial deployment of hydrogen in Industry, power and transportation

•            How Gas transmission and storage companies can create the first Pan European Hydrogen Highway to bring mass-scale volumes of hydrogen to the market, in its turn, facilitating and contributing to a rapid                             development of decarbonized economy.

•            How green finance and institutional investors can already identify bankable business models allowing to gear up for large scale financing of Hydrogen infrastructures.

•            How mass scale deployment of hydrogen in the coming years can significantly contribute to the Climate goals of Europe, provide opportunities for circular economy while enhancing competitiveness of Europe.


Confirm your interest

If you need further information about the event or about confirming your interest please email mariska@techtour.com.